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i want to look perfect

this is weird, i have been met her on youtube and she is really motivate to me.
she is maudy ayunda, can i meet her ? i would want to say thank you to her because make me dont give up.

she is kind and smart, can i really like her?

i want to share you guys about why i want to looked as her so much.  first meet, i look her on a film that title "perahu kertas", she is really good acting and good voice. why voice? she was singing the soundtrack this film and really nice. i think on this time her carrer is on up.

otherside, she have been studied on british international school on jakarta! Omg! you know what? the british international school on jakarta is really expensive. i think she is from rich family. i want to know why she got the perfect british accent? is that from the british international school or what?
i thought she never stopped study everytime and everywhere because i look this time she have been got her future. she is entering oxford university and i am gonna like this but i havent reach this line.

for example, this time i havent learn and make code.

i know why i am lazy, but i always lost direction. the vocabulary on my brain is pretended secretly lost or they are really lost. hmm, i never thinking about that and i never repeat my subject study.

can i change my life?
i know if i am in this time like i am on the 5 years later :(


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Review Susu Cimory rasa Matcha

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why are you so calm and ignore me?

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